photographer #8 NYC, NY

short bio
Hello! My name is Maalik and I'm a photographer from NYC born to parents who immigrated to the United States from Jamaica. I do not have any formal education and everything I know is self taught through books, video tutorials and trial and error. I started documenting the world
around me in 2019 and have been passionate about photography ever since.
I love to focus on capturing street scenes; and frequently observe human activity. If I am not taking portraits, most of the people that I capture in these images are often silhouetted and/or shot from a distance. This is done for the sake of anonymity, which is an important aspect of my photography. I am drawn to this style not only for privacy reasons but also to draw more attention to aspects of the art such as composition, timing, shadow, light, story and having multiple focal points in each image.

IN: @ascenebymar